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What are all the permissions required to run a flow?

Permissions required to run a flow To run a flow in Salesforce, use should have a following permissions.  Run Flow or Manage Flow in their profile…

Salesforce Delete Scratch org using sf cli

Sometimes we need to delete existing scratch org. Here is the command to delete it. Before we delete any scratch org we need to find the name of the …

Convert List to Set in apex Best Practices

Sometimes, we need to remove duplicates from List type of array. for this, converting list to set is the easy and best way to remove duplicate items.…

How to highlight rows in Lightning Datatable

Having huge amount of data in lightning Datatable, its hard to find the specific type of rows. so here, we can highlight data table rows conditionall…

Conditional Cell highlight in Lightning Datatable in LWC

Sometimes, we need to show data in data table format and need to highlight specific cells based on some condition or calculations. here is how we can…

Import records for custom Metadata type Objects

Salesforce Data Loader doesn't support import data to custom metadata type of object. but sometimes we need to create bulk amount of records for …

Show Images in Lightning Datatable in LWC

sometimes, we need to show images(like logos, or any king of images) in lighting datatable. But lightning data table doesn't support OOTB. but we…