Here is the list of all Salesforce Package.xml file supported metadata components.
How to use metadata to create package.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">
<!-- add your all metadata components-->
salesforce package.xml list
Api Name | Description |
AccountRelationshipShareRule | none |
ActionLinkGroupTemplate | none |
ActionPlanTemplate | none |
AnimationRule | none |
ApexClass | ApexClass is a metadata type that represents an Apex class in Salesforce |
ApexComponent | none |
ApexPage | ApexPage is a metadata type that represents a Visualforce page in Salesforce |
ApexTestSuite | none |
ApexTrigger | ApexTrigger is a metadata type that represents an Apex trigger in Salesforce |
AppMenu | none |
AppointmentSchedulingPolicy | none |
ApprovalProcess | none |
ArticleType | none |
AssignmentRules | none |
Audience | none |
AuraDefinitionBundle | none |
AuthProvider | none |
AutoResponseRules | none |
Bot | none |
BrandingSet | none |
CMSConnectSource | none |
CallCenter | none |
CampaignInfluenceModel | none |
Certificate | none |
ChannelLayout | none |
ChatterExtension | none |
CleanDataService | none |
Community | none |
CommunityTemplateDefinition | none |
CommunityThemeDefinition | none |
CompactLayout | none |
CompactLayout | none |
ConnectedApp | none |
ContentAsset | none |
CorsWhitelistOrigin | none |
CspTrustedSite | none |
CustomApplication | none |
CustomApplicationComponent | none |
CustomFeedFilter | none |
CustomHelpMenuSection | none |
CustomLabels | none |
CustomMetadata | none |
CustomObjectTranslation | none |
CustomPageWebLink | none |
CustomPermission | none |
CustomSite | none |
CustomTab | none |
DataCategoryGroup | none |
DelegateGroup | none |
DuplicateRule | none |
EclairGeoData | none |
EntitlementProcess | none |
EntitlementTemplate | none |
EventDelivery | none |
EventSubscription | none |
ExperienceBundle | none |
ExternalDataSource | none |
ExternalServiceRegistration | none |
FeatureParameterBoolean | none |
FeatureParameterDate | none |
FeatureParameterInteger | none |
FieldSet | none |
FlexiPage | none |
Flow | none |
FlowCategory | none |
FlowDefinition | none |
GlobalValueSet | none |
GlobalValueSetTranslation | none |
Group | none |
HomePageComponent | none |
HomePageLayout | none |
InstalledPackage | none |
KeywordList | none |
Layout | none |
LightningBolt | none |
LightningComponentBundle | LightningComponentBundle is a metadata type that represents a Lightning web component(LWC) bundle in Salesforce. |
LightningExperienceTheme | LightningExperienceTheme is a metadata type that represents a set of custom brand images and colors for your org in Lightning Experience. |
LightningMessageChannel | none |
LiveChatAgentConfig | none |
LiveChatButton | none |
LiveChatDeployment | none |
LiveChatSensitiveDataRule | none |
ManagedTopics | none |
MatchingRules | none |
MilestoneType | none |
MlDomain | none |
ModerationRule | none |
MyDomainDiscoverableLogin | none |
NamedCredential | none |
NavigationMenu | none |
Network | none |
NetworkBranding | none |
OauthCustomScope | none |
PathAssistant | none |
PaymentGatewayProvider | none |
PermissionSet | none |
PlatformCachePartition | none |
PlatformEventChannel | none |
PlatformEventChannelMember | none |
Portal | none |
PostTemplate | none |
PresenceDeclineReason | none |
PresenceUserConfig | none |
Profile | none |
ProfilePasswordPolicy | none |
ProfileSessionSetting | none |
Prompt | none |
Queue | none |
QueueRoutingConfig | none |
QuickAction | none |
RecommendationStrategy | none |
RecordActionDeployment | none |
RedirectWhitelistUrl | none |
ReportType | none |
Role | none |
SamlSsoConfig | none |
Scontrol | none |
ServiceChannel | none |
ServicePresenceStatus | none |
Settings | none |
SharingRules | none |
SharingSet | none |
SiteDotCom | none |
Skill | none |
StandardValueSetTranslation | none |
StaticResource | none |
SynonymDictionary | none |
Territory | none |
Territory2 | none |
Territory2Model | none |
Territory2Rule | none |
Territory2Type | none |
TimeSheetTemplate | none |
TopicsForObjects | none |
TransactionSecurityPolicy | none |
Translations | none |
WaveApplication | none |
WaveDashboard | none |
WaveDataflow | none |
WaveDataset | none |
WaveLens | none |
WaveRecipe | none |
WaveTemplateBundle | none |
WaveXmd | none |
WorkSkillRouting | none |
Workflow | none |